Posts Tagged With: Gareth Bamin

2 Birthdays on the 2nd of Feb

Well this past weekend has consisted of tons of baking as we have my gran’s birthday party today. Always a good excuse for cake and wine! So I’m stoked!

Anyway, just wanting to take some time out to wish two people a happy birthday and a year filled with many blessings! Firstly, my gran whom I think is totally crazy but very lovable! And then secondly, my good old friend, Gareth Bamin, all the way in Australia. He is someone I’ve known pretty much since my nappy days. We miss you tons buddy! Have a good 23rd birthday!

My gran and I having wine!

My gran and I having wine!

Gareth and Uncle Glen at Taylor's 21st this past weekend

Gareth and Uncle Glen at Taylor’s 21st this past weekend

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